5. September 2019, 17:30–18:45
Venue: Heinrich Heine University (HHU) Düsseldorf Building 23.01, Lecture Hall 3D
Functional equivalence of employment regimes under market pressure
Out-sourcing of public services in Italy and Denmark
Anna Mori is Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Social and Political Science, University of Milan. Fields of study: comparative employment relations, particularly within the public sector, and trade union strategies.
» Abstract of the presentation
Beyond ideology
Comparing confrontational union responses to restructuring in France

Ruth Reaney is an LSE Fellow in Employment Relations and Human Resource Management at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Fields of study: employment relations, trade unions, identity, institutional change.

Genevieve Coderre-LaPalme is a lecturer in employment relations at the Birmingham Business School
» Abstract of the presentation
Collectivity besides the company
Workers’ representation in the German film and television sector

Lisa Basten is a PhD candidate at the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB). Fields of study: Project based work, creative industries, workers’ participation
» Abstract of the presentation
Martin Behrens, Institute of Economic and Social Research (WSI), Hans Böckler Foundation