Plenary Sessions

5 September 2019, 11:45–13:00

5 September 2019, 11:45–13:00

Chair: Daniel Seikel, Institute of Economic and Social Research (WSI), Hans-Böckler-Foundation

  • Roland Erne, University College Dublin
  • Maria Jepsen, European Trade Union Institute (ETUI)


5 September 2019, 17:30–18:45

5 September 2019, 17:30–18:45

Chair: Martin Behrens, Institute of Economic and Social Research (WSI), Hans-Böckler-Foundation

  • Anna Mori, University of Milan
  • Ruth Reaney, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
  • Genevieve Coderre-Lapalme, University of Birmingham
  • Lisa Basten, Berlin Social Science Center (WZB)


6 September 2019, 13:30–14:30

6 September 2019, 13:30–14:30

Chair: Marta Kahancová, Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI)

  • Stefan Kirchner, TU Berlin
  • Hans J. Pongratz, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München


7 September 2019, 11:00–12:30

7 September 2019, 11:00–12:30

Chair: Hagen Lesch, German Economic Institute (IW),
Thorsten Schulten, Institute of Economic and Social Research (WSI), Hans-Böckler-Foundation

  • Christiane Benner, Vice President of the German Metalworkers’ Union IG Metall
  • Peter Clever, Member of the Executive Board, Conferderaton of German Employers‘ Associations (BDA)