Boudjemaa Koussa

University of Setif2, Algeria

Work’s relationships and discrimination, harassment of foreign workers in some European countries

Boudjemaa Koussa, University of Setif2, Algeria

The aim of this study is to highlight the discrimination and sexual harassment of foreign workers in some countries European, as democratic and supportive of freedoms, human rights and equality.

The group concerned in this study is a group Algerian and others doctors who work in France at lower wages than France doctors, especially as they share the same functions. The second category is the category of Moroccan women working on Spanish farms where they have been harassed and sexually by some employers.

Labor relations are subject to legal controls which are reflected in labor legislation and the internal law of enterprises, where the protection of each party is reflected in the arbitrariness of the other party, especially the weak party factor in the relationship. Since discrimination and harassment are the remnants of colonial era of the century, what are the motives of these discrimination and sexual practices and their sociocultural interpretation today and in some European countries alone?

This is what we will try to answer in accordance with a sociological relation reading of the phenomenon that includes conflict approach as a systematic analysis.


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