T4-WS2: Workshop: Comparing digitalisation of work in Northern European countries

5 September 2019, 14:00–15:30
5 September 2019, 16:00–17:30

Bertil Rolandsson, University of Gothenburg
Johan Røed Steen, Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research, Oslo
Jon Erik Dølvik, Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research, Oslo

Workshop: Comparing digitalisation of work in Northern European countries


  • Bertil Rolandsson, University of Gothenburg
  • Johan Røed Steen, Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research, Oslo
  • Jon Erik Dølvik, Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research, Oslo

Since the 1960s, growing use of ICT technology at work has been foreseen to replace employees and change the demand for skills in the remaining workforce. Despite earlier concern for the end of work, alienation, deskilling, and degradation of labour (Braverman 1977; Gorz 1984; Rifkin 1991), a dominant view has been that ICT-driven changes at work strengthen the demand for skills and highly educated labour (Skilled Biased Technological Change, Katz and Murphy 1992). While the latter entails an optimistic view of ICT prompting upgrading of work , the pessimistic perception of skills and job polarization has recently gained support from the thesis of Routine Biased Technological Change (Autor et al. 2006 ) implying that current leaps in digital tools and artificial intelligence enable automation and replacement also of cognitive routine work in the middle of the occupational structure. Since many non-routine, labour intensive, and customer-reliant jobs, for instance in personal services, do not lend themselves to technological rationalization and demand is enhanced by rising incomes in the upper end, several studies, notably from the US, have predicted continued growth in low-skilled, simple jobs. The predicted rise in the top, hollowing out in the middle, and growth in the low end has revived the old debate about polarization or bifurcation of the jobs and skills structure. Yet, the demand for and supply of different kinds of labour and skills are not determined by technology alone but are contingent on market conditions and a range of institutional factors related, for instance, to wage formation, education/training, welfare services, taxation and macro-economic policies. The impact of digitalization on work may thus vary across countries, industries, and labour market systems.

Juxtaposed to the US-biased literature, we have in this workshop emerging from a project on the Nordic Future of Work invited papers comparing how the past years of digital change have affected patterns of jobs, skills, work organization, and employment relations in northern European countries. Combining quantitative mappings of changes in the overall occupational structure of employment with qualitative, actor oriented analyses of developments in traditional work, i.e. manufacturing, on the one hand, and novel forms of work mediated through digital platforms, on the other, the aim is to shed light on how the impact of digitalization is influenced by variations in the interplay between technology, institutions, economic cycles, and social actors across different labour markets.

Platform companies meeting highly organised labour markets

Kristin Jesnes, Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research, Oslo
Anna Ilsøe, FAOS, University of Copenhagen
Sigurd M. Nordli Oppegaard, Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research, Oslo
Bertil Rolandsson, University of Gothenburg
Antti Saloniemi, Tampere University

This paper analyses the development of platform work in the highly organized Nordic labour markets. Comparing three platforms, we focus on (1) how platform companies organize and manage the mediation of work in such an institutional context; and (2) which forms of collective representation and protection workers are engaging in?

Smart use of manual work

Opportunities and limits of automation (lessons from the German and Hungarian automotive industry)

Csaba Makó, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Miklós Illéssy, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Balázs Heidrich, Budapest Business School
Niela Kleinsmith
Erich Latniak, Institute for Work, Skills and Training, University of Duisburg-Essen
Chris Mathieu, Lund University

Despite many forecasts about how many jobs digitalisation, automation and robotization may cost we know little about the real effects of these technologies. Based on the H2020 Quinne project company case-studies we find that human workforce still surpasses robots in terms of flexibility during, and reflexivity over, the production processes.

Innovation and job quality in the Aerospace industry in France and Sweden

Jerome Gautie, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Roland Ahlstrand, Malmö University

The paper discusses the impact of innovation on job quality. Innovation is understood in terms of process innovation and organizational innovation. The former focuses on digitalization, the latter on lean. The discussion is positioned in the context of social dialogue, economic factors and cultural backgrounds.

Digitalisation: Impact on jobs, work organisation and industrial relations in Nordic manufacturing

Bertil Rolandsson, University of Gothenburg
Tuomo Alaosini, University of Tampere
Jon Erik Dølvik, Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research, Oslo
Anna Ilsøe, FAOS, University of Copenhagen
Trine P. Larsen, FAOS, University of Copenhagen
Johan R. Steen, Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research, Oslo

Based on qualitative interviews in a number of Nordic machine industry companies, this paper explores how technological change is affecting the pattern of jobs, skills, and work organization, focusing on changes in the work of blue-collar workers, their autonomy, responsibilities, voice, and interaction with other employee groups, notably the engineers.

Changes in the occupational structure of Nordic employment

Upgrading or polarisation?

Tomas Berglund, University of Gothenburg
Stine Rasmussen, Aalborg University
Johan R. Steen, Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research, Oslo

This paper compares occupational change in Denmark, Norway and Sweden 2000-2015, a period of strong cyclical swings. While it demonstrates a clear pattern of polarization in Denmark, Norway shows an equally clear upgrading of the occupational structure, whereas developments in Sweden lie in-between the former two.

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